Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Committee of the whole minutes

Description Northwood City Council - Organizational Meeting Note: Audio failed - Equipment disconnected and operator/clerk error. Written transcript is filed with the Clerk of Council upon approval of Council.
Date 1/3/2008 Location COUNCILCHAMBERS

Time Speaker Note
8:25:10 PM
Councilman James Barton sworn in: Councilman James Barton was sworn in by Mayor Mark A. Stoner to begin serving his four year term.
8:28:14 PM
Councilman Edward Schimmel sworn in: Councilman Edward Schimmel was sworn in by Mayor Mark A. Stoner to begin serving his four year term.
8:29:17 PM
Councilman Dean Edwards sworn in: Councilman Dean Edwards was sworn in by Mayor Mark A. Stoner to begin serving his four year term.
8:35:38 PM
Call to Order the Organizational Meeting of City Council: Appointment of President of Council: The Organizational meeting of the Northwood City Council was called to order by Mayor Mark A. Stoner on Thursday, January 3, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Northwood Municipal Building. Mayor Stoner stated the reason for the Organizational meeting of Council was for the appointment of a President of Council for 2008. Mayor Stoner asked for any nominations from Council.
8:35:48 PM
Motion to Nominate: Councilwoman Hughes moved to nominate Councilman Michael Myers to serve as President of Council for the year 2008. Second by Gallaher. Note: Vote to be taken after close of nominations.
8:35:55 PM
Close Nominations: Mayor Stoner asked for any other nominations from Council. There being no other nominations, Councilman Kozina moved to close the nominations for President of Council. Second by Barton. Vote: All in favor. Motion passed.
8:36:12 PM
Motion/Vote: Clerk of Council Goertz read aloud a motion was made by Councilwoman Hughes to nominate Councilman Michael Myers to serve as President of Council for the year 2008. Second by Gallaher. Vote: 6 yea votes/1 abstention (Myers) Motion passed. Councilman Michael Myers was appointed as the President of Council for 2008.
8:36:22 PM
Adjourned: There being no further business before the Mayor and Council, and all being in favor, the Organizational meeting of January 3, 2008 was adjourned at 7:34 p.m. Attest: Lynn E. Goertz, Clerk of Council Approved: Mark A. Stoner, Mayor
8:36:32 PM
Call to Order: The Committee of the Whole meeting of Northwood City Council was called to order by President of Council Mike Myers on Thursday, January 3, 2008 at 7:35 p.m. upon adjournment of the Organizational meeting of Council in the Council Chambers.
8:37:33 PM
Roll Call: The roll was called by the Clerk of Council and those in attendance were: President of Council Myers; Mayor Stoner; Council members Kozina, Edwards, Hughes, Myers, Barton, Gallaher and Schimmel; City Attorney Ballenger, City Engineer Kuhn, City Administrator Bacon, and Clerk of Council Goertz. (All present)
8:37:38 PM
Motion to Approve Agenda: A motion and second were made by Council members Hughes and Gallaher to approve the agenda submitted for the Committee of the Whole meeting of January 3, 2008. Vote: All in favor. Motion passed.
8:37:45 PM
Pending Legislation: Pending legislation was read aloud by number and title only by President of Council Myers as follows:
8:37:48 PM
Ord. 2007-46: Ord. 2007-46 to amend Northwood Codified Ordinance 434.03 titled maximum speed limits, and declaring an emergency. Council Action to date: Second reading of Ord. 2007-46 was held by Council on December 13, 2007. Discussion of Council on reasons for considering passage for a 40 mph speed limit from George St. to the eastern city limits on Woodville Road (St. Rte. 51). City Administrator Bacon explained that this legislation would reflect what has already been put in place by ODOT; 40 mph is the posted speed on Woodville Road between George St. and the eastern city limits.
8:38:05 PM
Ord. 2007-49: Ord. 2007-49 establishing a Parks, Recreation and Open Space committee as a standing committee of the Northwood City Council, and declaring an emergency. Council Action to date: A first reading was held by Council on December 13, 2007.
8:41:25 PM
Council Discussion of Ord. 2007-49: A lengthy discussion was held among the Mayor and members of Council. Councilman Edwards asked the Mayor what would happen to the current Recreation Board if the proposed committee is established by Council. Mayor Stoner stated that he felt that a Recreation Board would not be needed and explained the need for changes due to needing a direction over the city’s parks. Mayor Stoner stated that there is no longer a summer recreation program through the YMCA. Councilman Gallaher stated he did not believe the Recreation Board should be replaced; they are needed for the recreational programs in the City of Northwood. Councilman Gallaher stated that a parks and open space master plan is needed a good place to start is with the Recreation Board. Councilman Kozina stated that he could see separating the Recreation Board from a Parks committee and possibly have the Recreation Board become the Ball Commission. Councilwoman Hughes suggested mixing the composition of the Parks committee by having both citizen members and council members for both baseball and parks. Councilman Gallaher stated that Council needs to better define all of the existing committees and identify what they need to do. Councilman Barton stated he would like to see a ball committee in place as well as a parks committee to deal with improvements to the city’s parks, tennis courts, etc. Mayor Stoner stated be believed that the Recreation Board has only dealt with baseball matters in the past and this is probably due to lack of communication. Councilman Gallaher stated he disagreed with shutting down a Recreation Board or the Mayor blaming the Recreation Board for a lack of communication when that blame falls with the Mayor and Council. Mayor Stoner stated he did not say that the lack of communication was a reason for not having Recreation Board and was open to the suggestion that there be both a ball committee and a parks committee.
8:56:47 PM
Res. 2007-13 Resolution 2007-13 to support a senior citizen housing project in the City of Northwood, and declaring an emergency.
8:57:17 PM
Barton inquired about the status or process for the proposed senior development in Northwood. City Administrator Bacon advised that a letter of support would be prepared to accompany an application to the State of Ohio. The NRC Group will be applying for rezoning of the property in February with the Planning Commission and Ms. Hada is planning to attend the next Council meeting. There were other questions concerning the timetable for the development and City Administrator Bacon was asked to obtain further information for Council from Mary Hada of the NRC Group.
8:59:06 PM
New Legislation: New legislation was presented by President of Council Myers:
8:59:14 PM
Ord. 2008-1: Rules of Council - Chapter 220 to be adopted annually by City Council. This Ordinance will be placed on the regular meeting agenda for January 10, 2008.
9:01:19 PM
Draft legislation for Video Service Provider as prepared by Time-Warner Cable: Proposed legislation (Ord. 2008-2) to be placed on the regular meeting agenda for January 10, 2008. The Video Provider service fee legislation (2 options) was reviewed with the City Attorney and the first draft Ordinance will be considered by Council on January 10, 2008 (copy attached to these original proceedings on file with the Clerk of Council.)
9:05:20 PM
No reports: There were no committee reports given at this time; however; meetings were scheduled as follows:
9:05:31 PM
Economic Dev.: The Economic Development committee will hold a meeting on Thursday, January 10, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. in the conference room to review updates on economic development with City Administrator Bacon.
9:06:04 PM
Safety: The Safety committee will hold a meeting on Thursday, January 10, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the conference room and the recent bid results for police vehicles will be reviewed with Chief Herman and Captain Cairl.
9:06:23 PM
Finance: Councilman Kozina stated he would be out-of-town from 1/20/08 – 1/24/08. City Administrator Bacon stated that there was no need for a Finance meeting at this time and that they are waiting to hear from the auditors concerning the upcoming audit.
9:07:41 PM
Service: A Service meeting will be scheduled at the next regular Council meeting on January 10, 2008.
9:08:41 PM
Utility: There is no need for a Utilities committee meeting at this time per the City Administrator.
9:09:17 PM
Adjournment: There being no further business before Committee of the Whole and all being in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
9:09:30 PM
Attest: Lynn E. Goertz, Clerk of Council
9:10:38 PM
Approved: Michael R. Myers, President of Council

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